Tuesday Announcements for 3/21/18

IMPORTANT LOCATION CHANGE! •All group leaders report to the upstairs loft for prayer time, lesson time, and training. •All Children’s Leaders report to the downstairs children’s area for prayer time, lesson time, and training. •All Admin Leaders report downstairs with the CLs for prayer time and lesson time; then move to a different room for training.
Start reminding the moms and grandmoms about Share Day and no childcare available.
There are only two more “official” Welcome Days to finish out Romans and sign up for People of the Promised Land, Part 1. Encourage your ladies to invite there female family members, friends, neighbors, school moms, college roommates, church members, childhood friends, and that lady that you chat with at the grocery/hair stylist/dry cleaners/nail salon/post office/department store. •Southcliff leaders, let prayerfully focus on inviting ladies to our Spanish Initiative program!
Time is near to register for People of the Promise Land I! “Beginning with Israel’s entrance into Canaan under the leadership of Joshua, People of the Promised Land I and II chart the ups and downs of the nation of Israel. PotPL1 covers the united kingdom of Israel, from Joshua to Solomon.” How sweet to study the Old Testament and discover current and relevant truths for today including provision, leadership, holiness, and faithfulness. Who’s in? 🙌🏻🙌🏼🙌🏽🙌🏾🙌🏿
Bennett, Dodson, and Comfort: your groups are up to help in the Children’s Area this Wednesday.
Meet Stacey Collier. “I am married to Patrick Collier for 14.5 years. We have three children: Hampton Jane (almost 8), Merrick Anne (4.5), and Fitz (2.5). My favorite BSF studies are Genesis and Moses. I love how real and relevant the Old Testament is to our lives thousands of years later! God is still very much the same God then and now – pretty incredible! I am an unassigned Group Leader and will sub when needed. Lots to learn!!! I am excited and nervous, but trusting God will show me they way.
Children’s Main Truth
Lesson 23 • Jesus tells his friends to love others. • Romans 12:9 “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” • This week the children learn about Jesus telling the story of the Samaritan who helped his “enemy”.